Thursday, April 28, 2016

Online Set Game


The object of the game is to identify a 'Set' of three cards from 12 cards laid out on the table. Each card has a variation of the following four features:
1) COLOR: Each card is red, green, or blue.
2) SYMBOL: Each card contains ovals, squiggles, or diamonds.
3) NUMBER: Each card has one, two, or three symbols.
4) SHADING: Each card is solid, open, or striped. 
A 'Set' consists of three cards in which each feature is EITHER the same on each card OR is different on each card. That is to say, any feature in the 'Set' of three cards is either common to all three cards or is different on each card.

Examples of sets:

1) color: different on each card, symbol: the same on each card (oval), number: the same on each (two),shading: the same on each card (solid)
oval solid blue 2
oval solid blue 2  
oval solid red 2
oval solid red 2  
oval solid green 2
oval solid green 2  
2) color: different on each card, symbol: different on each card, number: different on each card, shading: different on each card
diamond striped blue 2
diamond striped blue 2  
squiggle solid red 1  oval open green 3
oval open green 3
oval open green 3  
3) color: the same on each card (green), symbol: the same on each card (diamond), number: different on each card, shading: different on each card
diamond solid green 2
diamond solid green 2  
diamond striped green 3
diamond striped green 3
diamond striped green 3  
diamond open green 1  

New Unit - Moving Straight Ahead

The primary goal of this Unit is for students to develop an understanding of linear relationships. Students recognize linear relationships by the constant rate of change between two variables in a contextual situation, a table, a graph, or an equation.

Skills #1-20 Review Answers

Here is the Practice #1-20 Skills Answer Key